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» Title: Word formation fill in text » View: one_page » Word formation fill in text

Word formation fill in text

Test 8

As part of 'Facebook generation', we've grown in the world where access to the Internet is CONSTANTLY (CONSTANT) at our fingerprints and we are able to connect with people at the touch of a button. We have become addicted to our smartphones. Of course, they are very USEFUL (USE) and they have REVOLUTIONISED (REVOLUTION) our lives in many ways. Thanks to thousands of apps, we're now able to do almost anything when we are out and about. Smartphones are beginning to take over our lives making us DEPENDENT (DEPEND) on them, whether it's just about to find your way around with the map APPLICATION (APPLY) or even just check the time. As a result, face-to-face communication with people is often REPLACED (PLACE) by the virtual one. We can now get in contact by ENDLESS (END) social media outlets. People are connecting more and more across screens rather than in person, even if it comes to RELATIONSHIPS(RELATION) - dating apps and websites are more popular than ever before. The fact is that people are no longer interacting PROPERLY (PROPER) with each other.

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