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» Title: Word formation fill in text » View: one_page » Word formation fill in text

Word formation fill in text

Test 9

The old city of York is in England. It's one of the country's top TOURIST (TOUR) destinations outside of London. The town offers an amazing tour of HISTORIC (HISTORY) sights within its medieval wall. The town was Roman provincial capital in A.D. 71. Then it was the capital of Anglo-Saxon KINGDOM (KING) after the fall of Rome. The city is famous for its historical BUILDINGS (BUILD) . The most popular is the city's fine cathedral, or Minster. The York Minster is known for its gigantic dome called the Orb. It was ORIGINALLY (ORIGINAL) intended for God's eyes only. Just outside the city walls is the National Railway Museum. In the INDUSTRIAL (INDUSTRY) Age, York was the railway centre of NORTHERN (NORTH) England. The museum can offer BEAUTIFULLY(BEAUTIFUL) preserved historic trains . VISITORS (VISIT) can also have a look at a steam engine. Old York can offer lots of famous sights to see.

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