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» Title: Word formation fill in text » View: one_page » Word formation fill in text

Word formation fill in text

Test 10

The Castle of the Counts in the city of Ghent in Belgium is one of the greatest tourist ATTRACTIONS (ATTRACT) . It is a medieval castle in the heart of the city centre. It is a HISTORICAL (HISTORY) and authentic place with a centuries-old and sometimes BLOODY (BLOOD) history. It is also a MAGICAL (MAGIC) and imaginary place. At one time, noblemen walked, the horses clattered IMPATIENTLY (PATIENTLY) the knights duelled the PRISONERS (PRISON) screamed in fear ... where you now put your foot on. Go on a journey of DISCOVERY (DISCOVER) between the battlements the OBSERVATION(OBSERVE) towers, the keep and the gatehouse and send a lot of IMPRESSIONS (IMPRESS) to your head, heart and senses.

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