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» Title: Word formation fill in text » View: one_page » Word formation fill in text

Word formation fill in text

Test 12

Space TOURISM (TOUR) is the term used to describe space travel for RECREATIONAL (RECREATION) or leisure purposes. What was once only a dream described in science fiction books is now becoming a REALITY (REAL) . Futurologists are SCIENTISTS (SCIENCE) who make PREDICTIONS (PREDICT) of what life will be like in the future. They thought the hotels would be built on the Moon by the year 2000. They also considered the POSSIBILITY (POSSIBLE) that, in the 21st century families might go for a holidai on the Moon. Neither of these has come true yet. But the rapid DEVELOPMENT (DEVELOP) of technology may mean it will be possible in the years to come. Space Adventures is CURRENTLY(CURRENT) the only company which has SUCCEEDED (SUCCESS) in sending paying passengers into space.

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