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» Title: Word formation fill in text » View: one_page » Word formation fill in text

Word formation fill in text

Test 15

We all know that eating too much salt is UNHEALTHY (HEALTH) and still many of us do eat too much of it, but do you know that you can’t live without salt and that it is the world’s oldest food flavouring? Here are some INTERESTING (INTEREST) facts about salt. Salt was so VALUABLE (VALUE) in the ancient world, that the very word for our monthly pay is a REFERENCE (REFER) to our need to buy salt. The word “salary” comes from the Latin word “salārium”, which was the PAYMENT (PAY) that Roman soldiers received so that they had money to buy salt. Salt was extremely EXPENSIVE (EXPENSE) in the early 1800s on the AMERICAN (AMERICA) Frontier and it cost four times as much as beer did. Partly the reason for this was that farm animals couldn’t get enough salt from their diet of grass and so they had to be given salt to keep them alive. Most of the salt that is extracted from seawater or mined from the ground, is used for INDUSTRIAL(INDUSTRY) purposes. In fact, in the US, only 6% of all salt is used in food and 15% of all salt PRODUCTION (PRODUCE) is spread on the roads during winter to keep them clear of ice.

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