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Complete the text with the correct forms of the words given.

Use capital letters. Don't use contraction forms (Eg.: (NOT GO - DID NOT GO))

Grammar Practice - fill in texts

Test 20

Every morning John catches the bus to school at eight o'clock. But yesterday he WOKE (WAKE) up at half past eight! He got dressed QUICKLY (QUICK, QUICKLY) , brushed his TEETH (TOOTH) and left. John ran to the bus stop. But he was too late for the bus."I WILL TAKE (TAKE) the train. It's much FASTER (FAST) ," he thought. He asked a policeman where the station WAS (BE) , and walked there as fast as he could! But at the moment he got there, the train WAS LEAVING (LEAVE) the platform. It was already midday! John couldn't believe it. He started shouting. "Somebody help me I need to get to school!" Then John HEARD(HEAR) his mum saying, "John, what's the matter?" He woke up. "I'm late for school, Mum!" he cried. "But it's Sunday. You DO NOT HAVE TO (NOT HAVE TO) go to school today," his mum said.

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