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Complete the text with the correct forms of the words given.

Use capital letters. Don't use contraction forms (Eg.: (NOT GO - DID NOT GO))

Grammar Practice - fill in texts

Test 23

People do some unusual things, and some of THEM (THEY) have appeared in the record books. Here are a FEW (LITTLE, FEW) examples. On the twenty FIFTH (FIVE) of September, 2005, 637 people in gorilla suits ran a 'fun run' in London, to raise money for 'The Dian Fossey Gorilla Fund'. It was the LARGEST (LARGE) group of people dressed as gorillas that has ever come together. Samir Strati from Albania built the biggest picture ever made from toothpicks. The artist used 1.5 million toothpicks and WORKED (WORK) 40 days to do it. _ HAVE YOU EVER SEEN (YOU EVER SEE) a motor cycle that's BIGGER (BIG) than you? Well, Gregory Dunhum (USA) has built the world's biggest motorcycle. It's 2.4 m tall, about 4 m long and WEIGHS(WEIGH) about 1 ton. _ HAS GREGORY EVER RIDDEN (GREGORY EVER RIDE) it? Yes, he has, and he says it's great fun!

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