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Complete the text with the correct forms of the words given.

Use capital letters. Don't use contraction forms (Eg.: (NOT GO - DID NOT GO))

Grammar Practice - fill in texts

Test 24

Ashrita Furman has always been interested in Guinness World Records. As a teenager, he SPENT (SPEND) a lot of time reading the book and today, he is the holder of the MOST AMAZING (AMAZING) record of all: he HAS APPEARED (APPEAR) in the Guinness Book of World Records 203 times. Most of his records involve physical activity. For example, he has walked 103 km while balancing a milk bottle on his head! It TOOK (TAKE) him 23 hours and 35 minutes. A few years ago, Furman SET (SET) three new records in LESS (LITTLE) than an hour on the same day. FIRST (ONE) , he ran a mile in 12 minutes and 15 seconds - while doing the hula-hoop. A few minutes later, he ran a mile balancing a raw egg on a spoon in seven minutes and 48 seconds. And then he set a new record for jugging while standing on a pogo stick for 24 minutes and 48 seconds. These WERE(BE) Furman's 115th, 116th, and 117th Guinness World Records. And he HAS NOT FINISHED (NOT FINISH) yet. Furman's life is all about breaking records, and by the time you read this, he's probably broken a few more!

My mistakes