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Complete the text with the correct forms of the words given.

Use capital letters. Don't use contraction forms (Eg.: (NOT GO - DID NOT GO))

Grammar Practice - fill in texts

Test 25

Mr. and Mrs. Wilson and their CHILDREN (CHILD) were going to begin their vacation one day and they had to be at the airport at eleven-forty am. "It WILL TAKE (TAKE) us half an hour to get there in a taxi," Mr. Wilson said "so we all have to be ready by eleven o'clock." At ten minutes to eleven they all still WERE RUNNING (RUN) around doing things, except Mrs. Wilson who WAS SITTING (SIT) quietly on a chair in the garden enjoying the sun. Everybody was very surprised that she WAS NOT (NOT BE) in a hurry too until the taxi ARRIVED (ARRIVE) and Mrs. Wilson said to THEM (THEY) , "Well, I knew that tis was going to happen so before I WENT(GO) to bed last night I moved all OUR (WE) clocks and watches ahead twenty minutes. So now we can go to the airport quietly without worrying about being late."

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