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Complete the text with the correct forms of the words given.

Use capital letters. Don't use contraction forms (Eg.: (NOT GO - DID NOT GO))

Grammar Practice - fill in texts

Test 30

Mrs Peters had two CHILDREN (CHILD) . Sammy was 7 and his sister Annie was 4. When Sammy was at home, he often played with Annie while THEIR (THEY) mother was doing some housework. Sammy was usually very nice with his little sister. One Saturday morning Sammy and Annie WERE PLAYING (PLAY) in the garden while Mrs Peters was cooking lunch. Suddenly Annie BEGAN (BEGIN) to cry and ran into the kitchen to her mother. Mrs Peters stopped COOKING (COOK) and said "Why ARE YOU CRYING (YOU CRY) , Annie?" "Sammy HAS BROKEN (BREAK) my toy horse," Annie answered crying MORE LOUDLY(LOUDLY) . _ "How DID HE BREAK (HE BREAK) it? her mother asked. Annie stopped crying and said, "I hit him on the head with it."

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