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Complete the text with the correct forms of the words given.

Use capital letters. Don't use contraction forms (Eg.: (NOT GO - DID NOT GO))

Grammar Practice - fill in texts

Test 41

Last week Jasmine Smith, the PRETTIEST (PRETTY) girl at school agreed to go on a date with me. . I decided to take her to the cinema to see a romantic comedy. I don’t really like romantic COMEDIES (COMEDY) but I thought it WOULD BE (BE) perfect for a date. Unfortunately, I LEFT (LEAVE) the home late and when we got to the cinema the tickets HAD BEEN SOLD (SELL) . The only film, which still had the tickets was a horror film. I COULD NOT (NOT CAN) believe it. My romantic date was ruined. To my surprise Jasmine suggested SEEING (SEE) the horror film so we bought tickets and went in. It was a great decision of OURS(WE) ! I was so scared! I WAS HOLDING (HOLD) Jasmine’s hand the whole film! She said I was cute. She says she likes the boys who don’t pretend to be brave.

My mistakes