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Complete the text with the correct forms of the words given.

Use capital letters. Don't use contraction forms (Eg.: (NOT GO - DID NOT GO))

Grammar Practice - fill in texts

Test 14

One day a man set out on a trade journey. While he WAS PASSING (PASS) through the forest, he felt thirsty. 'If I HAD (HAVE) some water I would drink it and would be happy,' he thought. There was a miracle: immediately he got a jug of cool water. After some time he felt hungry, 'If I got a plate of tasty food I WOULD BE (BE) really lucky.' As soon as he THOUGHT (THINK) of it, there appeared a plate of tasty food. Too much food made him sleepy. 'Why shouldn't there be a soft bed for me?' As he said THESE (THIS) words, a comfortable bed appeared before him. The man WAS NOT (NOT BE) aware that he slept under the magic tree which could make any wish come true. When he woke up he said, 'I am all alone in the forest full of wild animals like lions, tigers and WOLVES (WOLF) who may come at any moment and kill me. I would not be able to protect MYSELF(I) .' As he said this, a furious tiger appeared and attacked him. People say that a man IS ALWAYS LED (ALWAYS LEAD) by his ideas. A positive thinking leads to positive results, but if one has negative thoughts it may lead to troubles.

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