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Complete the text with the correct forms of the words given.

Use capital letters. Don't use contraction forms (Eg.: (NOT GO - DID NOT GO))

Grammar Practice - fill in texts

Test 3

Kitty lived next door to me and we HAD BEEN (BE) friends since childhood. We learnt at the same school and walked there together. I was sixteen and she was four years YOUNGER (YOUNG) than me. But we had a lot in common and enjoyed CHATTING (CHAT) on our way to school. Every morning Kitty knocked on my door and I had to be ready by that time - she DID NOT LIKE (NOT LIKE) waiting for me. One day she didn't knock. I caught up with her at the bus stop, she WAS READING (READ) a magazine and didn't even look at me. I COULD NOT (NOT CAN) understand what was going on. 'Hey, Kitty, What's wrong? Why aren't you talking to me?' 'You YOURSELF (YOU) know why,' Kitty said angrily. 'No, I don't. I wouldn't ask you if I KNEW(KNOW) .' 'You went to the cinema with Lisa Parker yesterday.' Kitty was almost crying. I felt puzzled and didn't know what to say. The two WOMEN (WOMAN) at the bus stop looked amused at our conversation and didn't hide their smiles.

My mistakes