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Complete the text with the correct forms of the words given.

Use capital letters. Don't use contraction forms (Eg.: (NOT GO - DID NOT GO))

Grammar Practice - fill in texts

Test 23

It was a sunny June afternoon for the horse race at Ascot, near London. Pickering was there in his BEST (GOOD) suit and hat and with HIM (HE) was Mrs Higgins. She looked WORRIED (WORRY) . 'Colonel Pickering DO YOU MEAN (YOU MEAN) that my son is coming to Ascot today? That's an unpleasant surprise, you know - Ascot is the one place I can come with my friends without MEETING (MEET) Henry. When my friends do meet Henry, I never see them again.' 'He had to come, Mrs Higgins. You see, he IS TAKING (TAKE) the girl to the big Embassy Ball soon and he WANTED (WANT) to take her to meet people first.' 'What girl?' 'Oh, didn't I say? Miss Doolittle - she LIVES(LIVE) with Henry.' 'Is he in love with her?' 'Oh no, nothing like that. She's a flower girl from the street. He IS TRYING (TRY) to teach her to speak good English.'

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