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Complete the text with the correct forms of the words given.

Use capital letters. Don't use contraction forms (Eg.: (NOT GO - DID NOT GO))

Grammar Practice - fill in texts

Test 26

My neighbour, Mr Gatsby, gave parties all through the summer. Nearly every night his house and gardens WERE (BE) full of music. _ MEN (MAN) and women walked among the beautiful flowers TALKING (TALK) with each other. Every weekend GATSBY'S (GATSBY) cars carried his guests to and from the city. Coloured lights HUNG (HANG) from the trees in the gardens. Food WAS BROUGHT (BRING) from New York - rich, beautiful food. At seven o'clock, the band started to play. Soon everyone was talking to people they HAD NEVER MET (NEVER / MEET) before. As it became dark, the lights grew BRIGHTER(BRIGHT) . The music and laughter were louder now. The girl BEGAN (BEGIN) to sing with the band.

My mistakes