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Complete the text with the correct forms of the words given.

Use capital letters. Don't use contraction forms (Eg.: (NOT GO - DID NOT GO))

Grammar Practice - fill in texts

Test 27

Katy and Paul were on holiday at their GRANDPARENTS' (GRANDPARENTS) house in the country. One day Grandma went shopping in town and the children stayed home with their Grandpa. 'What about MAKING (MAKE) an apple pie for OUR (WE) Grandma?' asked Katy. 'You know she LOVES (LOVE) apple pie.' On the cupboard SHELVES (SHELF) children found flour, sugar and baking powder. They took butter, eggs and apples from the fridge. Katy made some pastry. After Paul HAD SLICED (SLICE) the apples, Katy put the apples in a dish and poured the pastry on them. 'Now we've got 45 minutes until the pie IS BAKED (BAKE) . They went to the living room to watch TV. After an hour Katy shouted, 'Oh, no, our pie!' They ran straight into the kitchen. The pie was on the table and it smelled great! Grandma WAS LOOKING(LOOK) at it with delight. She said, 'I wanted to make an apple pie for you today, but it looks like some fairies HAVE DONE (DO) it for me!'

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