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Complete the text with the correct forms of the words given.

Use capital letters. Don't use contraction forms (Eg.: (NOT GO - DID NOT GO))

Grammar Practice - fill in texts

Test 28

Mark Twain found information for his writing from his many trips to foreign COUNTRIES (COUNTRY) .. but most of his stories take place in the United States. His two MOST FAMOUS (FAMOUS) books, 'The Adventures of Tom Sawyer' and 'The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn' paint a picture of the life that he KNEW (KNOW) as a boy. _ THESE (THIS) exciting books give the reader a clear idea of life on the Mississippi River in the 1800s. They are very different from a lot of romantic stories of that time because they are MORE HONEST (HONEST) . _ To many PEOPLE (PERSON) , Mark Twain is the FIRST (ONE) writer with a truly American voice. He was more than an amusing writer - he was also a great teacher. His work helped to shape AMERICA'S(AMERICA) picture of ITSELF (IT) .

My mistakes