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bus stop a pavement b zebra crossing c
Pedestrians should use it when they cross the road - c .
A place at the side of the road where buses stop for passengers - a .
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cycle lane a pavement b bridge c
Place where pedestrians walk next to the road - b .
A part of a road which only bikes can use - a .
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traffic lights a tunnel b level crossing c
An underground passage for buses, cars and trains - b .
It stops and starts traffic - a .
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roundabout a crossing b traffic lights c
A circular area where three or more roads join together and cars must drive around - a .
A place where you can safely cross a road, railway, river, etc - b .
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streetlight a road sign b parking meter c
A machine at the side of a road which you use to pay for parking - c .
It gives information to drivers - b .
Put all the answers to their placies to enable the "check" button.
parking meter a road sign b streetlight c
It gives information to drivers - b .
A light at the top of a tall post in the street - c .
Put all the answers to their placies to enable the "check" button.
bus lane a road b vehicle c
Only public transport vehicles can travel along it - a .
A means of transport - c .
Put all the answers to their placies to enable the "check" button.
school crossing a bridge b tunnel c
It allows people or vehicles to cross over a river, a road, etc - b .
A place where school children safely cross the street with the help of a Lollipop Lady - a .
Put all the answers to their placies to enable the "check" button.
level crossing a traffic lights b U-turn c
A place where trains cross the road - a .
A turn that you make in a car so that you go back - c .