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Complete the sentences with correct forms of the words given.

Use capital letters.

Grammar Exercises

Questions 5

- What DO YOU THINK (YOU / THINK) about Oxley Zoo? - I think Oxley Zoo is great. - __ HAVE YOU BEEN (YOU / BE) here before? - No, I haven't. But I went to City Zoo once. -When DID YOU GO (YOU / GO) there? - I went there last year on my birthday. - Which Zoo DO YOU PREFER (YOU / PREFER) I prefer Oxley Zoo. It's much better. - What DO YOU LIKE (YOU / LIKE) most of all here? - Everything, but I especially like the insect house. - __ WILL YOU COME (YOU / COME) here again? - Oh, yes, I will definitely come here again. - What WILL ALEX DO (ALEX / DO) on Sunday? - He will go to the Zoo with his class. - How much money IS HE GOING(HE / BE GOING) to take with him? - He is going to take 10 pounds. - What IS ALEX PLANNING (ALEX / PLAN) to buy in the Zoo shop? - He is planning to buy some souvenirs.

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