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Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs.

Use capital letters. Don't use contraction forms (Ex: NOT GO -> DO NOT GO)

Verb Tenses

Past Simple or Past Perfect (1)

1. When Peter ARRIVED (ARRIVE) the party HAD ALREADY BEGUN (ALREADY/BEGIN) ._ 2. She WENT (GO) to bed just after she HAD DONE (DO) her homework. 3. When Robert ARRIVED (ARRIVE) at the airport he realised that he HAD FORGOTTEN (FORGET) his passport. 4. It was her first travel abroad. She HAD NEVER TRAVELLED (NEVER/TRAVEL) abroad before. 5. By 10 o'clock they HAD ALREADY STARTED(ALREADY/START) yoga classes. 6. By 8 o'clock the shop HAD CLOSED (CLOSE) ._

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