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Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs.

Use capital letters. Don't use contraction forms (Ex: NOT GO -> DO NOT GO)

Verb Tenses

Past Simple or Past Perfect? (2)

1. By the 20th of July he HAD WORKED (WORK) here for three months. 2. He HAD BEEN (BE) twice in London by the time he WAS (BE) twenty. 3. She HAD ALREADY WRITTEN (ALREADY/WRITE) three books and was working on another one. 4. She KNEW (KNOW) Paris well because she HAD BEEN (BE) there several times. 5. He WAS NOT (NOT BE) able to get a hotel room because he HAD NOT BOOKED(NOT/BOOK) it in advance. 6. Suzie HAD JUST LEFT (JUST/LEAVE) home when Mike arrived.

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