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Word formation exercises

Jobs, occupations 3

A scientist who has special knowledge and training in chemistry is a CHEMIST (CHEMISTRY) ._ A PROGRAMMER (PROGRAM) is someone whose job is to write computer programs. The DIRECTORS (DIRECT) are meeting today to discuss the company's future. Someone whose job is to guard money or a building is a SECURITY (SECURE) guard. Someone whose job is to help customers in a shop is a shop ASSISTANT (ASSIST) ._ Someone whose job is to prepare medicines in a shop or hospital is a PHARMACIST (PHARMACY) ._ _ MINERS (MINE) work under the ground in a mine. Someone who serves food and drinks to passengers on a plane , and looks after theis comfort and safety is a flight ATTENDANT(ATTEND) ._ Someone whose job is to connect and repair electrical equipment is an ELECTRICIAN (ELECTRIC) ._

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