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Player 1
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kind kindly adverb kindness noun unkind
Will you adverb put this book back?
I can't thank you enough for your noun .
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society sociable unsociable adjective2 socialize verb
Someone who doesn't want to be with people or to go to social events is adjective2 .
Nowadays people don't verb with their neighbours as much as they used to.
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expected expectation expectations noun2 unexpectedly adverb
Some parents have high noun2 for their children.
He arrived adverb early.
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anxious anxiously adverb anxiety noun
She waited adverb by the phone.
There is some noun among staff about job losses.
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successful adj1 unsuccessful successfully adv succeed
Arthur was a highly adj1 businessman.
He adv completed a master's degree.
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naughty adj naughtyness naughtiness naughtily adv
When she was a child she often behaved adv .
You're a very adj boy! Look, what you've done.
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helplessly helper noun helpful helpless adj2
I was a classroom noun at the local primary school.
He began to feel depressed and adj2 .
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pessimism noun1 pessimist pessimistic adj pessimistically
When you are adj and expect the worst, your attitude is often negative.
noun1 is a tendency to believe that bad things will happen.
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friendship noun1 friendliness friendly unfriendly adj2
The old man looked angry and adj2 .
I can always rely on Garry for noun1 and support.