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understood misunderstood v2 understanding misunderstanding n2
Rachel, you must have v2 her! Ellie would never say something like that.
There must have been some n2 . I haven't ordered all these books.
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like unlike prep dislike v2 likely
I v2 being the centre of attention. It’s not my cup of tea.
It's prep Greg to be late, he is always punctual.
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illogical adj1 unlogical logical logically adv
English has plenty of adj1 spelling rules.
He tried to think adv .
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Unable adj1 Unabled Disable Disabled adj4
adj4 people should have the same rights and choices as anyone else.
adj1 to sleep, I got up and made myself a drink.
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dependable undependent independent adj3 independence n
My mom, in fact, was quite adj3 . She had always had a job and her own bank account.
Having a job gives you financial n .
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polite adj1 impolite adj2 politely impolitely
Would it be adj2 of me to ask exactly where you’ve been?
The clerks were very adj1 and helpful.
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humanity n unhumane mishumane inhumane adj4
The opposite of humane is adj4 .
Kindness, respect and sympathy towards others is n .
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reality unreal adj2 really adv unreally
Many people go into marriage with adj2 expectations.
It was adv cold last night.
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crowding crowd crowded adj3 overcrowded adj4
The train was very adj3 and we had to stand.
At rush hours the buses are filthy and adj4 .