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endangered endangers v2 dangerous adj dangerously
It was a highly adj situation.
Smoking v2 people's life.
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nutrition n1 nutritionist nutritious adj nutritionally
n1 and exercise are essential for fitness and health.
Nuts and fruit make adj snacks.
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survive survivor n2 survival n3 surviving
She was the last n2 of the family.
The doctors gave him one in tenth chance of n3 .
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violence n1 violation violent adj violate
There is too much n1 on TV these days.
31 people were injured in a adj incident.
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destroy destroyer destruction n2 destructive adj
The flood brought death and n2 to the area.
What is good for one person can be adj for another.
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courage courageous adj encourage courageously adv
He was wrong and adj enough to admit it.
He adv admitted that he was wrong.
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shorten v short shortening shortage n
There is a n of water in this area.
The days v in autumn.
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explode explosion n explosive adj explosively
Several people were injured in a bomb n .
Because the gas is highly- adj , it needs to be kept in a special container.
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environment environmentallist n2 environmental environmentally adv
Is there such a thing as an adv -friendly car?
Someone who is concerned about protecting the environment is an n2 .