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sensitive adj1 sensible adj2 sensitivity n1 sensibility n2
Interviewing victims of crime must be done with n1 .
A adj2 person is reasonable and shows good judgement.
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brave adj bravely bravery n
He won a medal for n during the Iraq war.
Today we remember the adj who died in the last war.
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generous generously adv generosity n
I will never forget the n shown by the people of Bataisk.
She adv offered to pay the bill.
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shy adj shyly shyness n
I should try to overcome my n .
John has strong opinions, and he's not adj to share them.
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stubborn stubbornly adj stubbornness n
"I don't care," she said adj .
Dave shows a lot of n once he's made up his mind.
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responsible irresponsible adj2 responsibility n responsibly
It was highly adj2 of him to leave the children on their own in the pool.
No one wants to take n for the problem.
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honest dishonest adj2 honestly honesty n
He has a good reputation for n and accuracy.
People are no longer surprised to find that politicians are adj2 .
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talk n1 talks talkative adj talker
Benjamin was in a adj mood.
John, I'd like to have a n1 with you.
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lazy lazily adv laziness n
We spent days adv relaxing on the beach.
Marian's n prevented her from doing well at school.